About us

The team behind e-fuels2go AG

e-fuels is a ground-break­ing tech­no­lo­gical innov­ation that can replace fossil fuels and thereby reduce CO₂ emis­sions. To estab­lish these future-ori­ented energy sources in the mar­ket, Volare Group AG has foun­ded the trad­ing and com­pet­ence cen­ter e-fuels2go AG.

Severin Plüss

Severin Plüss

CEO, e-fuels2go AG
Head of New Energies & Tankstorage, volenergy AG

Ramon Werner

Ramon Werner

Chairman of the Board, e-fuels2go AG
CEO volenergy AG
President, BioFuels Switzerland
Board Member, Avenergy Suisse

Daniel Buchter

Daniel Buchter

Board Member, e-fuels2go AG
CEO Delion AG
Board Member, AVA Biochem AG

Volare Group AG

Volare Group AG and its sub­si­di­ar­ies are among the lead­ing Swiss com­pan­ies in the sup­ply and trad­ing of fuels and com­bust­ibles. The com­pany pro­cesses more than 10 mil­lion trans­ac­tions per year, such as refuel­ing, cus­tomer deliv­er­ies and high-volume busi­ness, through its cent­ral pur­chas­ing unit and pro­pri­et­ary infra­struc­ture along the entire sup­ply chain.