About us
The team behind e-fuels2go AG
e-fuels is a ground-breaking technological innovation that can replace fossil fuels and thereby reduce CO₂ emissions. To establish these future-oriented energy sources in the market, Volare Group AG has founded the trading and competence center e-fuels2go AG.

Severin Plüss
CEO, e-fuels2go AG
Head of New Energies & Tankstorage, volenergy AG

Ramon Werner
Chairman of the Board, e-fuels2go AG
CEO volenergy AG
President, BioFuels Switzerland
Board Member, Avenergy Suisse

Daniel Buchter
Board Member, e-fuels2go AG
CEO Delion AG
Board Member, AVA Biochem AG
Volare Group AG
Volare Group AG and its subsidiaries are among the leading Swiss companies in the supply and trading of fuels and combustibles. The company processes more than 10 million transactions per year, such as refueling, customer deliveries and high-volume business, through its central purchasing unit and proprietary infrastructure along the entire supply chain.