

Glob­ally, the trans­port sec­tor is one of the biggest pro­du­cers of CO₂. With a 14% share of European trans­port-related emis­sions, avi­ation also has sig­ni­fic­ant CO₂ sav­ings poten­tial.

e-fuels offer impress­ive solu­tions with the fol­low­ing key bene­fits.

aviation market e-fuels

e-kerosene for the aviation industry

We will prob­ably never see the take-off of a bat­tery-powered pas­sen­ger air­craft due to the weight lim­it­ation. Nor does hydro­gen appear to be a reas­on­able altern­at­ive for safety and capa­city reas­ons.

The goal of car­bon-neut­ral avi­ation can there­fore only be achieved with syn­thetic fuels. e-ker­osine offers the unique oppor­tun­ity to con­tinue using the exist­ing infra­struc­ture and propul­sion tech­no­logy. By blend­ing it with con­ven­tional par­affin in any mix­ture ratio, a gradual mar­ket intro­duc­tion is also pos­sible. In this way, car­bon emis­sions can be elim­in­ated at an accept­able cost.

Vari­ous com­pan­ies and insti­tutes are cur­rently in the pro­cess of fur­ther devel­op­ing the pro­cess step from e-meth­anol to e-ker­osine and to repro­duce it eco­nom­ic­ally through scal­ing.

e-fuels are the only way to reduce CO₂ emis­sions in avi­ation.