Globally, the transport sector is one of the biggest producers of CO₂. With a 14% share of European transport-related emissions, aviation also has significant CO₂ savings potential.
e-fuels offer impressive solutions with the following key benefits.

e-kerosene for the aviation industry
We will probably never see the take-off of a battery-powered passenger aircraft due to the weight limitation. Nor does hydrogen appear to be a reasonable alternative for safety and capacity reasons.
The goal of carbon-neutral aviation can therefore only be achieved with synthetic fuels. e-kerosine offers the unique opportunity to continue using the existing infrastructure and propulsion technology. By blending it with conventional paraffin in any mixture ratio, a gradual market introduction is also possible. In this way, carbon emissions can be eliminated at an acceptable cost.
Various companies and institutes are currently in the process of further developing the process step from e-methanol to e-kerosine and to reproduce it economically through scaling.