
Individual mobility

In Europe, car traffic accounts for the largest share (43%) of traffic-related CO₂ emis­sions and there­fore also the largest sav­ings poten­tial. Vari­ous devel­op­ments ensure that these emis­sions will decrease in the future.

individual mobility e-fuels

Different concepts

Bat­tery elec­tric vehicles are an effi­cient altern­at­ive, espe­cially for short dis­tances. In con­trast, the devel­op­ment of hydro­gen and gas (CNG) propul­sion sys­tems has been some­what slug­gish. How­ever, all these altern­at­ives have a sig­ni­fic­ant dis­ad­vant­age: CO₂ reduc­tion will only be achieved by vehicles put into cir­cu­la­tion in the future. A reduc­tion in emis­sions from the exist­ing fleet can only be achieved by e-fuels.

e-fuels offer impress­ive solu­tions with the fol­low­ing key bene­fits.

individual mobility e-fuels

e-methanol in the fuel cell or internal combustion engine

  • Blend­ing of e-meth­anol with con­ven­tional gas­ol­ine
  • Start of pro­duc­tion of the first large-scale plants is being planned
  • e-meth­anol is the simplest and most cost-effect­ive e-fuel
  • Meth­anol fuel cell is close to mar­ket read­iness
  • Engine tech­no­logy is already avail­able for meth­anol propul­sion
  • Exist­ing trans­port and stor­age solu­tions can be used

e-diesel and e-gasoline in the internal combustion engine

  • Can be used in exist­ing fleets
  • Can be blen­ded with fossil fuel in any ratio
  • No invest­ments in altern­at­ive drive con­cepts
  • Exist­ing trans­port and stor­age solu­tions can be used

Existing infrastructure

e-diesel and e-gas­ol­ine in par­tic­ular offer sev­eral advant­ages. Not only do they make it pos­sible to use exist­ing infra­struc­ture and drive tech­no­logy, but also, by mix­ing the admix­ture to fossil fuel in any ratio, they allow e-fuels to be phased in step-by-step. In this way, CO₂ emis­sions can be gradu­ally elim­in­ated at a reas­on­able cost.

From a tech­no­logy-neut­ral stand­point, a com­bus­tion engine powered by e-fuels has a com­par­able CO₂ bal­ance to a bat­tery elec­tric drive and is there­fore a good altern­at­ive for cer­tain applic­ations.

Only with e-fuels exist­ing facil­it­ies and vehicle fleets can be decar­bon­ized.