

Glob­ally, the trans­port sec­tor is one of the biggest CO₂ pro­du­cers. With a share of 14% of European trans­port-related emis­sions, ship­ping also has a sig­ni­fic­ant CO₂ sav­ings poten­tial.

e-fuels for maritime transport

World Trade

Ship­ping is by far the most import­ant form of trans­port­ation for world trade and there­fore also for ensur­ing our prosper­ity. How­ever, for a long time, it was an under­es­tim­ated factor in achiev­ing the global CO₂ reduc­tion tar­gets. In recent years, the industry has indeed made great pro­gress. Nev­er­the­less, the solu­tions cur­rently in use, such as diesel, LNG or HFO scrub­bers, are only inter­me­di­ate steps towards a CO₂ neut­ral future.

e-fuels offer impress­ive solu­tions with the fol­low­ing key bene­fits.

shipping e-fuels

Decarbonization of shipping

The real "game changer" for clean and safe ship­ping is e-fuels. Already today, the use of meth­anol as a fuel in the mari­time sec­tor is lead­ing to emis­sion sav­ings. With the gradual switch to e-meth­anol and the neces­sary propul­sion con­cepts, a roadmap to com­plete decar­bon­iz­ation also exists for ship­ping.

Fewer emissions locally and lower environmental risk

Another advant­age of e-meth­anol is the low-emis­sion com­bus­tion pro­cess, which releases less nitro­gen and fine dust. Many port cit­ies can bene­fit from this. In addi­tion, e-meth­anol is bio­de­grad­able, which massively reduces envir­on­mental dam­age in the event of an acci­dent.

e-meth­anol is CO₂ neut­ral and avoids fur­ther envir­on­mental pol­lu­tion by nitro­gen oxide, fine dust and sul­fur diox­ide in ship­ping.