

Although motor­sports’ con­tri­bu­tion to global CO₂ emis­sions is neg­li­gible, the amount of media atten­tion they receive makes them an easy tar­get to attack. Moreover, vari­ous racing series are gen­er­ally seen as cut­ting-edge in the devel­op­ment of auto­mot­ive trans­port.

motorsports e-fuels

Pioneer and role model

For motor and auto­mot­ive man­ufac­tur­ers, it cre­ates an extremely attract­ive mar­ket envir­on­ment in which to pos­ition them­selves as for­ward-think­ing and respons­ible com­pan­ies. A motor racing sport that is largely CO₂ neut­ral at the highest level can attract vari­ous tar­get groups to the topic of sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

e-fuels offer impress­ive solu­tions with the fol­low­ing key bene­fits.

motorsports e-fuels

e-gasoline for motorsports

While meth­anol is already used in vari­ous racing series, espe­cially over­seas, and can eas­ily be replaced by e-meth­anol, racing fuel is used on European race tracks and in For­mula 1. This must meet spe­cial require­ments stip­ulated by the engine man­ufac­tur­ers.
The pro­duc­tion of a com­pat­ible racing fuel based on e-meth­anol is tech­nic­ally quite demand­ing and cost-intens­ive. How­ever, it is the only altern­at­ive to elim­in­at­ing CO₂ emis­sions while main­tain­ing the exist­ing racing engine tech­no­logy and power dens­ity.

e-fuels are tak­ing motor­sports into a CO₂ neut­ral future.