
Trading and competence center for e-fuels

e-fuels2go AG is the world's first com­pany spe­cial­iz­ing in the trad­ing of e-fuels, as well as the assess­ment and mar­ket­ing of their green cre­den­tials. As a cen­ter of excel­lence, we also act as a pro­vider of product devel­op­ment, logist­ics solu­tions and dis­tri­bu­tion con­cepts. The full range of ser­vices offered by e-fuels2go AG com­prises four ser­vice pack­ages.


Trade in e-fuels and the marketing of their green credentials

As a trad­ing com­pany, the core ser­vice of e-fuels2go AG is the pro­cure­ment and pro­vi­sion of a wide range of e-fuels. We also provide the green cre­den­tials of these renew­able mater­ials, such as CO₂ emis­sion cer­ti­fic­ates. Product pur­chase takes place on a con­tract or pro­ject basis.


Development and provision of specific e-fuels

e-meth­anol as a green base-product is suit­able for applic­ations such as fuel cells or indus­trial solu­tions. How­ever, more spe­cific applic­ations require more indi­vidual solu­tions. There­fore, we also offer the imple­ment­ation of stand­ard­ized drop-in fuels such as e-ker­osine, e-diesel, e-gas­ol­ine and other refined end-products. Some of these pro­cesses are already well known and ready for the mar­ket – in other cases, they are not yet scaled up to indus­trial pro­duc­tion.


Service e-fuels

Completion of purchase agreements with industry partners

e-fuels2go AG has secured exclus­ive pur­chase rights and options for e-meth­anol from vari­ous plants. Vari­ous pro­duc­tion facil­it­ies in EU coun­tries and world­wide are cur­rently in stra­tegic plan­ning.


Implementation of logistics and infrastructure solutions

The logist­ics and mar­ket­ing of fuels are cent­ral busi­ness areas in the value chain sur­round­ing e-fuel products. This is why e-fuels2go AG pos­itions itself as a cen­ter of com­pet­ence not only for the pure mar­ket­ing of products but also as a developer of the neces­sary logistic and dis­tri­bu­tion con­cepts.

Extens­ive expert­ise and a broad net­work are the key to provid­ing the best pos­sible solu­tions for our cus­tom­ers.

Speak to us about your e-fuels busi­ness.